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Article : Why Physical Education is Important


In modern times, Physical Education is one of the most exciting and dynamic subjects. This subject has changed dramatically during the last 50 years. It has expanded in different areas from school to non-school setting and from school-aged children to people of all ages. Earlier, physical education was generally understood as physical activities either in school time table or some free hand exercises, games, sports, racing, swimming, etc. If we look at the Indian history of physical education after Independence, a number of schemes were launched by the Government of India for schools, where every student must participate in physical activities. We can witness the growing interest in games and sports exemplified by the fitness boom and the wellness movement. Sports events receive worldwide coverage. In schools, students like sports and other forms of physical activities, which help to achieve and maintain their health and well-being

Physical Education is an education which brings improvement in human performance with the help of physical activities. Physical activities range from simple walking to jogging, running, sprinting, hopping, jumping, climbing, throwing, pushing, pulling, kicking, etc. Education without physical activities is like body without soul. There is no controversy in giving due place to physical education and different forms of exercises in the total set-up of education. All teachings in human education begin with physical education. Physical education is also considered as movement education as the life begins from movement only. In general life is characterised by movement. The movement starts from the birth of a child, till the end of life

Mental, intellectual, emotional and social development of a growing child is dependent and closely related to physical development. A physically fit individual possesses a wellbalanced personality which is, mentally sharp, emotionally stable and socially well-adjusted. Physical education teaches how to acquire ability to develop strength, speed, endurance and coordination abilities. It also emphasises on achieving social qualities, such as, empathy, cooperation, friendliness, team spirit, and respect for rules, which are essential for healthy social relations with others. In this era of technological advancement, physical education and sports are considered essential for health, fitness, wellness, vigour and strength. The concept of physical education is not new. The fact is that it has its roots in the ancient period. At various stages in history, different people have associated different meanings to the word ‘Physical Education’. Physical Education in simple words is understood as learning with the help of movements of body and realising the benefits at mental level. It simply means education through the use of physique and physical movements and deriving the advantage for social gain. Some of the definitions given by well known authors are given here to understand and for the ready reference of the students.

Aims and Objectives

 If you are doing physical exercises or playing any game regularly, you must have realised their importance. The aim of physical education is to target the total development of human personality. In physical education, the final aim is to make every human being physically, mentally and emotionally fit and also to provide each kind of opportunity to them, so that they can develop such personal and social qualities which will help them to live happily with others and shape themselves as true citizens of the country. Efforts are needed to provide adequate facilities and ample time for the individuals and the groups to participate in situations that are physically wholesome, mentally stimulating and socially sound. Through physical education one can strive to achieve the following aims and objectives.

  •  Motor Development

 The objective of motor development refers to the neuromuscular relationship of nerve or nerve fibre to the one that connects the central nervous system with muscles. This in turn enables the movement of the body. To enhance the ability of the body to act, react and interact, it is necessary to exercise the muscles and nerves. In other words, physical development of a person is the foremost objective of physical education. Physical education is related to physical activities, which when performed, have an effect on various organ systems of our body. It leads to the improvement in size, shape, efficiency, etc., of various organs of these systems. An individual who is having good motor movements may perform daily routine work very effectively without unduefatigue and laziness and feels confident in life. It also promotes sound health which enables an individual to become a valuable asset for the society and nation.

Motor development can be possible through participating in different kinds of physical activity programmes like, games, sports, yoga, dance, etc. 

  • Mental Development

 Mental development refers to the ability to think and solve problems effectively. Knowledge received by participating in physical activities about body movement, health, fitness, sanitation, nutrition, disease prevention and others may contribute to an individual’s mental development. A mentally developed person takes wise decisions at the right time and in a right spirit. Mental development objectives deal with a person’s ability to think correctly, act wisely and skillfully in all situations of life. Various activities conducted in physical education classes not only require physical strength but also need mental alertness, deep concentration, and precise movements. In this manner, physical education also sharpens the mind and makes it more efficient. 

  • Emotional Development 

This refers to a psychological situation of body and mind. Emotion is a drive to do something. Emotion covers experiences, such as, fear, anger, joy, love, sorrow, etc. It is usually a feeling which has specially become intense. For example, joy means intense pleasure. A child needs to develop confidence, a feeling of belongingness, and eliminate negative feelings through participating in games, sports, yoga, etc. 

  • Social Development 

This objective of physical education refers to the feeling of belongingness, adjustment of group living, social poise, social relationships, and social adjustment. Physical activities provide such opportunities to the children to fulfil basic needs like, recognition, self-respect, belongingness, and love. When these needs are fulfilled, the individual becomes a well-adjusted social person. While participating in physical activities including games and sports, an individual acquires social qualities, such as, cooperation, friendship, courtesy, empathy, team spirit, democratic living, sportspersonship, etc. These qualities are essential for social development. 

  • Moral Development 

Every game has a set of rules and regulations and it is the duty of each player to obey them. The players know that disobedience of any rule is a moral crime that can result in their expulsion from the team. Therefore, obedience of these rules becomes the moral duty of each player. Participation in games helps in moral development and equips them to differentiate between right and wrong with honesty. Hence, physical education also plays an important role in the moral development of a person.  

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